Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How Do I Cover A Whole Semester In One Post?

As you can tell, I took almost an entire semester off from blogging. Looking back, I don't quite know how I made it through that semester except for the grace of God! I was taking 19 hours of classes, student teaching 2 days a week all day long, and had a job in which I was working a lot of hours. The semester was a blur! But now that I can sit down and think about everything that happened... it was hard.

First, student teaching was great. I love teaching! (Almost) every day I went into the school, I got that "this is where I'm supposed to be" feeling. I was paired with an amazing teacher who was strict enough that she got things done, but loving enough that she was one of the kids' favorite teachers. The Lord definitely put us together for a reason. I loved the structure of her classroom. I loved the way that she dealt with students and other teachers. She was great! And the kids. Oh the kids. Just thinking about them makes my heart hurt. I love them! Most of them. No. I love all of them, but I like most of them. Does that make sense? Oh, and that line that all teachers tell saying that they don't have favorites? Total. Lie. Or at least in my case... I'll share a couple of stories of students who truly touched my heart.

K: He was precious, but extremely talkative and rambunctious. That doesn't sound like a middle school boy at all, does it? *Bazinga* He had my heart immediately though. After teaching for a few weeks, it was time to have my first observation and it was scheduled during the class with K in it. Before class started, I walked over to K's desk and squatted down to eye-level with him. I said, "K. I'm being observed today, and I'm kind of nervous about it. But I need you to be on your best behavior and participate and make me look good!" He immediately replied, "I will! You're gonna do great!" Oh my heart. All during class K raised his hand, answered questions, and was quiet when necessary. I was so proud of him. After class was over, he walked over to me and gave me a high-five. Then he grabbed my hand and said, "Ms. P. You. Did. Awesome!" And my heart melted. This is one of the students that I will never forget.

C: There are no major stories with C, but I was able to form such a sweet relationship with her. In the hallway in the morning she would come up and just lay her head on my shoulder and tell me about her life. During class I would occasionally doodle a drawing on her notes or write her a small note and we would go back and forth. I probably sound like a horrible teacher now! But I promise. We weren't distracting :)

S: She was one of the kindest students I have had the pleasure of teaching so far. She made a constant effort to include others who she knew might feel left out. And she was so incredibly smart! Always working to improve her note-taking skills, etc. You know I was only TOO happy to share my color-coding tips with her... ;)

So many other students touched my heart and I have constant reminders of them from a drawing on my wall next to my desk to the bracelets they made me.

Sadly I am not student teaching this semester, but next semester I'll be back at it! In the meantime, I'm enjoying only taking 16 hours and working.

I love teaching! And I am exactly where the Lord wants me right now! What a comforting feeling.
