Thursday, July 25, 2013

Speaking on Trust Apparently Requires Trust

Hey y'all!

I've talked before about the events that we have for middle schoolers on Wednesday nights called Summer Nights. Each of the staff members were asked to speak at one of those events this summer and last night was my night to speak.

Let me preface this with the fact that I love being on stage. I've done everything from ballet to violin to acting to oratorical recitals to even speaking at the Bricks my senior year of high school. Earlier this summer I emceed for Summer Nights and had a blast doing it! This was different.

We were asked to give our testimonies but also relate it to the theme of Despicable Me, Glorious God. I've also given my testimony more times than I can remember. For some reason this was hard. I decided to take the clip from Despicable Me where the girls have to jump from Vector's hovercraft/plane-type-thing to Gru's. They have to trust that he's going to catch them and that related pretty well to my life for the past few years. There have been so many times in the past year where I had to jump and just trust that the Lord was going to catch me.

I wrote my talk and went over it with my boss. Then yesterday, as I was going over the talk I became extremely anxious. My stomach felt like it was in knots and I felt sick. I was absolutely positive that I was going to get on stage and forget the entire thing and look like an idiot. Sometime later in the day (still before the talk) I realized, well of course when I'm talking about trusting in the Lord, God's going to make me act on it. Even my speech needed to be an example in and of itself of trusting God in everything and trusting that He's going to catch me every time.

Thank the Lord that He does catch us every time! The talk went very well, just in case you were worried, but it was nice to know that it wasn't because of anything that I did right. It was all because God is trustworthy and sufficient!

*If you happen to want to see the whole talk, I can send you the document.

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